The Cosmic People of Light Powers
Tim Meyer
Are you a believer…? Are Aliens out there? Have you seen every X-Files episode? Who doesn’t love a compelling encounter story or government UFO conspiracy? Well, you’re not alone, and perhaps we are not alone in the universe. It’s a staggeringly big place, surely somewhere there must be something, right?
Around half the global population are deadset convinced, or at least a little bit intrigued. For this bizarre 90s cult in the Czech Republic called ‘Cosmic People of Light Powers’, the UFOs have landed. They are indeed directly communicating with us, and they have an important global message of love and peace to spread through the cosmos. Do the right thing, and you too can be transported to another dimension.

Like a freeware version of Scientology, there’s an enormous amount of texts, flyers, posters, videos, stickers, discussions, stories, and downloads freely available in almost every language. This baffling propaganda machine spams its ideology with mantras like: Eat good food. Don’t be a dick. Look after the planet. And perhaps most importantly, ‘DO NOT GET CHIPPED’.

New Earth People: join us as we become members of the galactic federation of planets.
We’re barely scratching the surface here – the ‘Cosmic People of Light Powers’ go deep… real deep. Randomly selecting a few of their downloads feels trying to decipher the diary of a madman. It’s overwhelming. They rant and rant. They contradict themselves, and are utterly diabolical in their attempts to brainwash their followers. Controlling, nonsensical, fear-mongering, downright crazy – and truly astounding.
With their wonderful use of free fonts, hierarchy, symbolism, vintage web design, messaging, infographics, animated GIFs, illustration, and COLOUR, it was simply something we couldn’t resist delving further into for the love of graphic design. I’m not sure there’s an organisation in the world that has managed to get this much creativity out of MS Word.

The belief system is entirely based upon the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. These are beings which have been telepathically communicating with their leader and other contactees since 1997.

As the most distinctive UFO religion in the Czech Republic – members distrust modern technologies and control mechanisms of global society. They believe mass media is a tool of oppression and manipulation and they also want abolish money.