Hellfire Bluff

Where the roads are wilder – but paved with good intentions.

  • Collaborators
  • Ruby Daly
  • Natasha Mulhall - Photography

For more than 35 years, the Daly family have farmed potatoes in South East Tasmania, producing an incredible 7,000 tonnes annually. However, they experienced a problem many farmers across the country have faced – the stringent size and appearance standards enforced by Australia’s biggest supermarket chains. As a result of these standards, 20% of the Daly’s potato yield was going to waste.

Enter Ruby Daly, who helped establish Hellfire Bluff Distillery. With her efforts across marketing, business management and production, she’s been successfully turning second grade potatoes into vodka, which has seen Hellfire expand into the production of gin, rum, and liqueur. Ruby approached us to create a custom Shopify store for Hellfire’s growing business. Working with her existing packaging, we were able to compliment Hellfire’s printed identity with bespoke animation, art direction and Australian-heritage style brand motifs.

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