Strategy and identity framework for Australia's best Medical CPD education platform.

Praxhub - Pile of Books - Brand Strategy - Here for Healthcare | Atollon - a design company

Strategy and identity framework for Australia's best Medical CPD education platform.


The praxhub brand direction initially started out with “making doctors’ lives easier” as the tagline. Which might be something a dry cleaner could also say. We wanted to dig a little deeper to unlock the real potential of a new brand direction; something more revolutionary to represent them with simplicity and eloquence. It needed to be something powerful and differentiated to gain the attention of time-poor doctors. By summarising what praxhub does and the nature of its brand, we arrived at; “Here for Healthcare”.

Within the spectrum of functionality in praxhub, we had multiple areas of the brand to research; from networking and collaboration to education, and communication. This is also because our points of contact for the brand incorporated a wide range of stakeholders, from the Medical Colleges, Societies and other peak bodies, to the individual rural GP or first-year medical students.

  • Scope
  • Website
    Brand Strategy

The praxhub brand direction initially started out with “making doctors’ lives easier” as the tagline. Which might be something a dry cleaner could also say. We wanted to dig a little deeper to unlock the real potential of a new brand direction; something more revolutionary to represent them with simplicity and eloquence. It needed to be something powerful and differentiated to gain the attention of time-poor doctors. By summarising what praxhub does and the nature of its brand, we arrived at; “Here for Healthcare”.

Praxhub - Women using platform - Brand Strategy - Here for Healthcare | Atollon - a design company
Praxhub - Digital Banner - Brand Strategy - Here for Healthcare | Atollon - a design company
Praxhub - A4 Document - Brand Strategy - Here for Healthcare | Atollon - a design company
Praxhub - Printed Business Card - Brand Strategy - Here for Healthcare | Atollon - a design company
Praxhub - A4 Document - Brand Strategy - Here for Health Care | Atollon - a design company